

연마지 및 연마포 제조업체, 미끄럼방지테이프, 칼라연마지

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> 제품소개 > Chroma Series

Chroma Series

Anti Ioading disc. Coated in Aluminium Oxide with resin bonding to prevent premature burining tough and durable for a consistent finish
Dimensions in mm Holes Grit in Box in Carton
5 INCH NH P60-P2000 100 pcs 10 Box
5 INCH 6 Hole P60-P2000 100 pcs 10 Box
6 INCH 6 Hole P60-P2000 100 pcs

10 Box

6 INCH 8 Hole P60-P2000 100 pcs 10 Box
8 INCH NH P60-P120 100 pcs 5 Box
9 INCH NH P60-P120 100 pcs 5 Box
10 INCH NH P60-P120 100 pcs 5 Box
12 INCH NH P60-P120 100 pcs 5 Box

Coated abrasive flap discs are the ideal choice for light grinding graining and scale removal on a variety of meals
Material Product No. Mineral Grade
Genenal Steel 148 FW Aluminium Oxide 40-400
Grade Max. RPM Q' ty/Case
Dimensions in INCH Grit in Box in Carton
4 INCH P40-P400 100 pcs 6 Box